“I always choose to make it a good day.”

What about you?

David Kirshbaum
3 min readApr 26, 2021
Photo by Andrew Thornebrooke on Unsplash

“GOOD MORNING,” the rough, handmade sign said simply.

I was pulling into a grocery store parking lot the other morning, and a fellow was standing by the driveway in the bright morning sun, smiling and holding up the sign.

I smiled at him as I pulled in, parked, and felt an urge to see if he wanted anything from the store.

I walked over and said hi.

His soiled clothes hung loosely from his frame, his face looked dry and weathered. But he greeted me with a cheerful hello.

I wish I’d had more of a conversation with him — asked him how he was and found out more about him, at least his name. But I felt in a hurry to get my errand done and get home to work.

I said I didn’t have any cash on me (which was true) but would he like anything?

He said, “Oh know that’s okay you don’t have to do anything.”

“I know I don’t have to, but I’m happy to.”

“Well, I’ve got a burrito to eat later.” He pointed to a small package on the ground in front of him.

“So, you don’t need anything?”

“Well you know I am homeless,” he acknowledged, “But really you coming over and engaging with me means more…

