How to Thrive in a World of Delusion

David Kirshbaum
7 min readMar 9, 2021

One of the greatest challenges of humanity in these fast-changing times is dealing with our delusions.

I’m not talking only about conspiracy theorists, radical militants, or anyone who thinks iceberg lettuce is tasty.

I mean you, dear reader, are at least a little bit deluded. And me too. Which is to say, we are neither rational nor objective.

Now, before you start slinging curses at me through the screen, let me explain what I mean by “delusions.” And if you hang around long enough I’ll even share some thoughts on how to make the most of this human conundrum.

Here goes…

7 Billion Humans Can’t Be Right

We like to think we know what’s going on around us — that we’ve got a handle on what’s right and good and true in life.

And in many ways, we do. Our big brains can solve all kinds of problems. They’re responsible for creating complex technologies, philosophies, and social structures.

And yet, we disagree. About a whole lotta stuff. And we think, “If so-and-so would just open their friggin’ eyes, they’d see how right I am and stop being so stupid!”

But unfortunately, they feel the same.

