Afraid to Share Your Ideas?

David Kirshbaum
6 min readMar 16, 2021

1 Reframe and 5 Steps to Unleash Your Inner Creator

Have you ever had a great idea or a flash of inspiration to create something, and then stopped yourself out of fear?

That’s crazy. It’ll never work. I’ll look like an idiot.

It happens all the time. Even in the age of social media, lots of people are afraid to share their ideas and gifts publicly.

I was in the same boat for a long time. I’ve been coaching and writing for others for years, but when it came to sharing my own ideas to a wider audience, I found every excuse possible not to.

Nothing to say… Look—a squirrel!

Once in a while I’d get on a kick and bust out some thoughts on FB. A few days, a few weeks, then I’d stop.

Clients raved about my work, which is great, but I was letting their projects take up all my creative energy, saving nothing for my own.

I felt a nagging pain, a voice inside telling me I was holding back, hiding, not living up to my potential or serving at the level I could…

The spotlight can make you feel vulnerable.

Some people love being in the spotlight. They’re called Leos. For most of us though, having lots of eyes on us or our work can be mighty uncomfortable.

